
Silent uninstall for Windows

  • 11 December 2023
  • 4 replies

Badge +2

On the documentation website for FME Form, there is a section called "Installing FME Form from the Windows Command Prompt". However, I cannot find any documentation for uninstalling FME Form from the command prompt. Is there any way to do this, so that we can package the uninstall + install for updated processes? Thanks a lot.

4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +36

Looking at this thread:


You can look through here: \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall

And find the GUID for the version of FME you want to uninstall and then that will give you a uninstall string (using msiexec) which you should be able to combine with the /qn switch to make it silent



Badge +2

Thanks for your link, but this is not clear at all to me... This thread is not about FME, and I cannot find the software it is about. In your thread, they write about the software "Advanced Monitoring Agent Network Management", which I don't have.

FME is correctly installed with command prompt from the fme-form EXE, but then I cannot find any EXE file for un-installing it. Even in the decompressed temp folder with installation files, I cannot find any "uninstall" file.

Userlevel 6
Badge +36

Thanks for your link, but this is not clear at all to me... This thread is not about FME, and I cannot find the software it is about. In your thread, they write about the software "Advanced Monitoring Agent Network Management", which I don't have.

FME is correctly installed with command prompt from the fme-form EXE, but then I cannot find any EXE file for un-installing it. Even in the decompressed temp folder with installation files, I cannot find any "uninstall" file.

Correct, but the same process applies for FME. If you read the thread they are trying to do exactly what you're wanting to do. If you apply the exact same logic except search for FME you get a result



Badge +2

Indeed, I missed the correct part in the answers. Here is the command line I found for un-installation with Windows PowerShell :


Get-Package -Name "*FME*" | Uninstall-Package -Force
