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I am trying to read data from a shared drive into a PATH reader on server and keep getting "Could not find folder'

I have checked permissions on the server, i have the services with the right permissions, i have even tried adding the shared drive as a resource but that fails too.

I can login to the actual server and i can map the drive and see the data so i have no idea what i can do now.

can the PATH reader see shared drives?

I am also using UNC paths.

I assume you checked the permissions part correctly. (See also this article.) Be sure the FME Server Engines run under a network account, not by a local system account. (local system account is default) If not, follow this guide.

"The FME Server Core and the FME Server Engines system services use the local system account by default on Windows, and the fmeserver account on Linux. You may wish to run the FME Server Engines service under a different account that can read and write data across a network, particularly in a distributed installation where this service is installed on separate machines."

Else, does the path contain special characters like é? I did read something about special characters in UNC paths the other day, will try to add.

Do you use a dynamic path, filled by an attribute? Did you check if the attribute contains what you expect with a logger?

Reading from json can change things, you need double slashes then. (c:\\data\\ needs to be c:\\\\data\\\\) See also this article.


no special characters (just letters and these . _ \\ ), checked the permissions, no dynamic path, nothing filled in with an attribute.

Just specifying a specific path to a folder on a shared drive.

Hi @baznewman07, possibly these links could help you.

cheers for the links, tried both of those to no avail.



cheers for the links, tried both of those to no avail.



Did you try a folder less deep and a folder deeper?


Did you try a folder less deep and a folder deeper?


yes tried that and still no joy, keeps saying folder could not be found, wondering if it something to do with the PATH reader.




Did you try a folder less deep and a folder deeper?


That is easy to check, create a csv file at that location and try to read it with a csv reader.
Did you try a folder less deep and a folder deeper?


tried doing the csv thing. can't read that either, seems like the server can't see anything on shared drives even though i am using an account with all the permissions to see the shared drives. i have logged into the actual server and connected to the shared drives in windows and i can see everything. its just in FME server that it can't access them. I have made sure that the services are all being run my an account with permissions too. i have ran out of ideas as to why this doesn't work.



FME Server version 2017.1.2



Did you try a folder less deep and a folder deeper?


I am by no means an FME Server expert so I'm afraid I can't really help. I suppose you logged in on this machine using the same user as the FME Server Engines do to rule things out? Shared drives are not rare, our server 2016.1 works fine on shared drives. But as this is set up externally I did not configure this myself.
