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I have several excel sheets that have same/similar structures, although some are missing their header names. I can migrate them to SQL Server one-by-one using FME. But I want to loop over the contents of my folder (i.e the excel files) and migrate them all in one go. How do I loop over them? I want to use the same header names for the files missing them as the ones that have them - the header names.

for example,

abc1.xls --> dbo.abc1

abc2.xlsx --> dbo.abc2


abc25.xls --> dbo.abc25

abc26.xls --> dbo.abc26

abc27.xlsx --> dbo.abc27

Not a complete answer, but a good start:

Have a look at the "Directory and File path" reader.

That reader returns the names of the files in the folder you point it to.

Then use the file names to crate a table name.

Use a WorkspaceRunner to kick off your workspace that reads and writes one file.

Use published parameters to pass the file and table name to that workspace.

Hope this helps.

Hi @mahdy1989,

I would also use the Directory and File path reader as @erik_jan suggests, however I would use a FeatureWriter in the same workspace to create the tables instead of a second workspace.

Hoet this helps.

