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Hi all,


I have a list of urls (50 in number). For each url there are 10s of thousends requests to be made.

12 engines in my fme server.

What I want to do use 5 of fme engines to run the jobs in parallel - so 10 jobs each engine.

How can I do that?

At the moment I have:

xls reader -> sampler2 (first 10 urls) -> FMEServerJobSubmitter1 (submit in sequence, wait to finish) , sampler2 (connected to sampler1,not_sampled port (first 10) -> FMEServerJobSubmitter2 and so on.


But it just runs the 10 jobs on one engine in FMEServerJobSubmitter1 one after another.

If you set the FMEServerJobSubmitter to submit in parallel and don't wait to finish it will simply submit all of the jobs and let the queue sort it out. You can limit the number of engines to be used by setting up a job queue (in the Engines and Licensing section of the UI, you'll need to have access to that of course)

If you set the FMEServerJobSubmitter to submit in parallel and don't wait to finish it will simply submit all of the jobs and let the queue sort it out. You can limit the number of engines to be used by setting up a job queue (in the Engines and Licensing section of the UI, you'll need to have access to that of course)

Hi, thanks.

Can you elaborate more on setting the engines count. I want to use 5 out of 12 engines for this 50 jobs. Is there a setting like this for a job to tell it 'use only X engines'?

Hi, thanks.

Can you elaborate more on setting the engines count. I want to use 5 out of 12 engines for this 50 jobs. Is there a setting like this for a job to tell it 'use only X engines'?

No, you'd have to add 5 specific engines to a job queue and limit that to the repository that holds your workspace.

I like the idea though, maybe you should make a new entry for it on the Ideas page.
