I'm facing a problem for licensing server configuration. FME Server 2017.
There is a firewall between the server and the clients.
The server is a single instance and no other flexnet servers are installed in the same machine.
The 27000-27009 ports are open in the firewall.
No additional configuration done in the safe.lic file.
For a long time, everithing worked properly.
Now, even if the 27000/27009 ports are still open, the clients seems not able to reach the license server.
At least, a telnet to these ports is fine.
Trying to solve, I want to modify the safe.lic file.
Is the syntax correct? From the documentation, the SERVER port seems not to be mandatory.
In case I could use another port like 27001. Is that correct?
SERVER servername 000c290de0df (or SERVER servername 000c290de0df 27001)
VENDOR safe PORT=27000