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Canada grid shift files can't be parsed

  • 22 December 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi there,

I have some features in the NAD83 CSRS datum and while things run on FME Desktop, it fails on FME Server when there is reprojection:

Reprojector: Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceding feature: CS-Map Reprojector: Unable to load grid file for 'NAD83_to_CSRS' | CS-Map Reprojector: This grid may either be available at the government agency applicable to the geographical area or in the FME Reprojection Grid Add-on at: | or | CS-MAP Reprojector: Please visit following link for more information on obtaining Canadian grid files: | CS-MAP Reprojector: No transformation found to get from 'CSRS.UTM-12N (CSRS)' to 'EPSG:3857 (WGS84_SPHERICAL)'. Add CsmapReprojector transformers with explicitly chosen transformations

I went to look for the transformation file from NRCan and I've been playing with these files: NTV2_0.GSB, ABCSRSV4.GSB (Alberta only)


After applying the NTV2_0.GSB file to the "NAD83_to_CSRS" definition, the override txt file it produces contains this:

   GRID_FILE NTv2,Fwd,C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\FME\CoordinateSystemGridOverrides\NTV2_0.GSB

But FME can no longer run.  It produces this error:

Starting translation...
Unbalanced quotation marks encountered on line 2 of file C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\FME\CoordinateSystemGridOverrides\NTV2_0.GSB -- line was `AE_LONG  

The Alberta grid shift file has a similar "unbalanced quotation marks" error.

When I add these files to FME Server, it causes the one engine to die:

Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.714 AM   INFORM   Thread-718   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1                 FME 2020.2.1.0 (20201130 - Build 20806 - linux-x64)
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.714 AM   INFORM   Thread-718   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1                             FME Engine (node locked-crc)
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.715 AM   INFORM   Thread-718   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1                         Machine host name is: ip-10-0-129-25
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.715 AM   INFORM   Thread-718   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1                  Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa)
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.715 AM   INFORM   Thread-718   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1                    Copyright (c) 1994 - 2020, Safe Software Inc.
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.716 AM   INFORM   Thread-718   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1                                  Safe Software Inc.
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.718 AM   INFORM   Thread-718   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1   
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.726 AM   INFORM   Thread-719   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1   FME_SHARED_RESOURCE_DIR is unset
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.726 AM   INFORM   Thread-719   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1   FME_SHARED_RESOURCE_DIR has been changed and is now '/fmeserver/resources/engine'
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.737 AM   INFORM   Thread-719   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1   XFORM_GRID_OVERRIDE_DEF expected, found 'NUM_OREC'
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.738 AM   INFORM   Thread-719   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1   XFORM_GRID_OVERRIDE_DEF expected, found 'AE_LONG'
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.738 AM   INFORM   Thread-719   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1   
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.742 AM   INFORM   Thread-719   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1   Unbalanced quotation marks encountered on line 3 of file /fmeserver/resources/engine/CoordinateSystemGridOverrides/ABCSRSV4.GSB -- line was `�����)<��M>�S�>h���-�;�&1>`�>�'8;eS��B`�=� 0>4c�;��̻9��=�� >K< <��ɻ`��=��'>@�E<��Z����=+>t�a<x]?;h��=�rh>��T<�k�;���=��L>�{U<P�<5^�=sh>?F<w�S<���=#��=��@<���<+>�Y>�W-<��<�Q�=1,>b�"<Z�<�Y=��=�<1�y<��u=���=�<_e<��}=>
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.749 AM   INFORM   Thread-719   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1   l<Z�m<#�y=h��=�<b֋<�Y=9��=_<�<X94=`��=� <��<��}=�"�=;pN; $=#��=9��=Qf�;��=��=��=0�;���<T�=���='
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.751 AM   INFORM   Thread-719   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1   Program Terminating
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.751 AM   INFORM   Thread-719   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1   
Tue-22-Dec-2020 01:02:10.752 AM   INFORM   Thread-719   ip-10-0-129-25_Engine1   Translation FAILED.

I've tried adding quotes surrounding the path in the override txt file even though there are no spaces in the path on either environments.

Is there just something wrong with these GSB files?


My Desktop is on build 20787-win64. Server is 20806-linux-x64.

Hi @janet​ 


The attached gsb worked on my system, however, we need to change the location of the gsb. I'll file an issue to see if we can have this changed. In the mean time would you be able to:


a) copy the gsb from /fmeserver/resources/engine/CoordinateSystemGridOverrides/ABCSRSV4.GSB to /opt/fme-engine-2020/Reproject/GridData/ABCSRSV4.GSB


b) From the WebUI remove ABCSRSV4.GSB from the resources/engine/CoordinateSystemGridOverrides, but make sure the GridOverride.txt remains.


c) Update the GridOverRide.txt to point to the new location


d)Restart Server


Example Grid Override file


  GRID_FILE NTv2,Fwd,/opt/fme-engine-2020/Reproject/GridData/NTV2_0.GSB


This appears to be an issue only when the GSB is in the CoordinateSystemGridOverrides file. The good news is that you can have it anywhere else on the server if referenced correctly. If you however have a distributed system you may have to copy it to each engine node location as specified above. Please let me know if you have any questions.




