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Can FME Desktop install on windowsVM which sits on Linux box

  • 24 January 2013
  • 5 replies

Dear All,



Need your assistance.....



We run our FME Desktop 2012 64-bit PC using Safe Floating Licence. Due to the amount the data which we process on daily basis, it takes days to complete and the FME process used up all CUPs.



Going forward we are building Application Server (not FME Server) to run FME and other geo-spatial applications.



But the problem is:


-           App Server will be built on Linux RedHat 64-Bit and as per my research FME Workbench is not available on Linux.



So, we were thinking, we will configure windows VM on Linux and install all the FME components but not 100% sure this will work or not.



Could someone please share some knowledge or advise that would it be good to run FME on windowsVM which sits on Linux box.



Thanks in advance for your help.


Regards Suvo 


In my experience FME is more than happy running on a Windows Virtual Machine. If you are using it with a floating license though you'll need to ensure that the MAC address persists.
My experiences agree with 1SpatialDave's, FME should work fine on a virtual machine running Windows.



On a tangent, if your process takes several days to complete, it might be well worth the effort to try and split the workload over several machines. Either by splitting the data and letting each instance of FME handling a separate part, or by using the parallell processing capabilities in FME 2012 and onwards.



Also, keep an eye on where your data resides, file databases on network shares are terrible for performance!






Keep in mind that if you have a floating license, you can (using the one license) craft your workspaces on Windows, but install FME Desktop for Linux (without workbench) and run the workspaces nativly on linux from the fme command line program.
Thank you all...I really appreciate for sharing your experiences...we are at our very early stage doing scoping to set up our new App Servers. I will give it a try on our UAT and let you all know.



Regards Subrata(Suvo) 


Anyone got experience with running a workspace on WINDOWS and LINUX, comparing the processing time? Any difference?
