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I have millions of XYZ points (as an Space Delimited XYZ file read) and want to build a triangular mesh out of them.

Which transformer(s) should I use?


Thanks in advance.

I think your best bet is to switch reader to the PointCloudXYZ reader. In the reader parameters you can modify the settings to specify the correct columns for to assign to the x, y and z components of the point cloud.

After that you can use the the PointCloudSurfaceBuilder OR the TINGenerator. Both outputs will be a mesh. You should experiment with the quality and settings to find something your happy with. 



I have several pointcloud files and want to combine them in one pointcloud model. 

After using pointCloudCombiner, the edges are like the folloiwing pic and some of the points are failed to be combined. how can it be solved?

