I'm having my first go with the XmlTemplater, and of course it's given me problems :-)
I want to add three tags conditionally in a SubTemplate, but it errs with this message:
XMLTemplater(XMLTemplaterFactory): The following error occurred near line 2, column 8 of the query:
XMLTemplater(XMLTemplaterFactory): invalid expression: syntax error, unexpected ExprSingle (missing comma "," between expressions?)
XMLTemplater(XMLTemplaterFactory): An error occurred while parsing the 'SYMBOL' sub-template
XMLTemplater(XMLTemplaterFactory): A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
The unconditionally expression "<!-- not implemented yet -->" works fine, but three tags fails on (apparently) the second opening tag.
And what's with the "missing comma" ??
Can anyone point me in the direction of a not-simple example of how to use the Sub Template expression in XmlTemplater ?