Hi list.
When setting expressions in XMLTemplater for ROOT and various sub templates, one uses fme functions like "fme:has-attribute" and fme:get-attribute".
But is it possible to use string functions as well, e.g. to test the first character in a string retrieved by "fme:get-attribute" ? I can't seem to find any documentation about this with Safe.
I've found some string functions documented at Microsoft, e.g. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/xquery/functions-on-string-values-substring?view=sql-server-ver15
Here a namespace of "fn" is used, but will that work in FME ?
And how do I wrap multiple function within each other ?
Is it { f1( f2() ) } or is it { f1( { f2() } ) } ?
Any insights will be appriciated.