
Write multiple geometry types as geopackage

  • 18 March 2024
  • 1 reply


Hello all,

When trying to write my data as a geopackage I get the following warnings (see attached).

In the reader I have to specify what geometry type I want to use but I can only select one, which results in some features being excluded.

I have read a thing about the dynamic writer but that one is giving me errors.

Using the GeometryFilter the only type I get is ‘area’ so it doesn't seem to make a distinction between those.

Is there a way to write these different geometry types in one Geopackage layer? I am using version 2020.0


1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +34

Yes you can, but not all applications like multigeometrycollections, so the result might not be what you need.

Set the geometrytype in the writer to geopackage_geometrycollection.
