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Upload File In Session in FME Server Playground documentation

(and also both "Easy Translator" and "Easy Translator FME Server App" presented at FME Server Playground Demos demos),

all use GenericReader + GenericWriter to do both format transformations and coordinate transformations.


Actually, in order to correctly reproject between different coordinate systems, all these demos should contain also the EsriReprojector in between the GenericReader and the GenericWriter (and enable filling its public parameters from the javascript web app).


Example of what happens if EsriReprojector is not used:

Converting coordinates between Israel TM grid (EPSG:2039) and wgs84 (EPSG:4326) need to handle many internal parameters, and this is done correctly only by EsriReprojector by using WGS_1984_To_Israel_CoordFrame Transformation.


All examples mentioned above fail to do it correctly (they shift the results) because they don't use EsriReprojector in between the Generic-reader and the Generic-Writer.


I attach:

  1. The input DWG file - Israel TM (EPSG:2039)
  2. Workspace converting to KML - wgs84 (EPSG:4326) by using EsriReprojector WGS_1984_To_Israel_CoordFrame. Its output is correct.
  3. Screenshot of Easy Translator settings.
  4. Correct KML created by EsriReprojector.
  5. Erroneous KNL created by EasyTranslator.
  6. Screenshot comparing (3) and (4)


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