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I am trying to use a conditional statement to update an attribute if it is null with the value of another attribute .

However AttributeManager does not recognise the null or empty string .

it does not work if I change the output to text or @Value(CaseOfficer) either.

What am I missing here?


Are you sure the value is actually null? If you inspect in the data inspector does it show like this

In the sql database it is null but in Fme it appears as <missing>

In these cases I usually use the "Attribute has a Value" option and negate it.

That will also exclude the missing attributes (next to empty or null).

This worked - Thanks

This worked - Thanks

It may be worth checking that the sql database is being read correctly, you shouldn't be seeing the attribute as missing if it exists.

the "Attribute has a Value" option and negate it. also works

Thanks again


This worked - Thanks

how do i check the sql database is being read correctly?
