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I am trying to do an insert to CARTO table. It is mandatory to not drop the table because it is necessary anytime a table is created to make a specific SQL statement.

This table just has to have the last insert values so a truncate command is required.

I have tried with a SQL Executor with two statements. Truncate and Insert. What SQL Executor does is a truncate for every insert. At the end I have a table with only one row, the last value inserted.

Any ideas?

You can use 2 SQLExecutors, one for one truncate and the other for the inserts. Using a Sampler and a FeatureHolder you should be able to run the truncate statement once and the insert statements after the truncate statement.



As an alternative you could use an Aggregator to merge all insertrows in one feature, then add a truncaterow above it.

Got it! Thank you!
