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I am attempting to create a workbench to read, process, and convert IFC and 12dxml files into gdb files (multipatch and basic respectively. The output for the IFC/GDB Multipatch is working properly and is set to a dynamic filename without issue. However the output for the 12dxml only runs when targeting a specific location (can’t set filename dynamically) and even then it returns a message saying that 0 features were output. I am fairly new to FME and have not been able to determine why this is failing, short of the possibility that the writer is trying to write polylines and getting information in as polygons, which I am unsure how to fix. I have attached the rather voluminous log on the chance someone is able to point me at the particular error I need to fix.

Can you doublecheck your output files?

According to the log you're using a FeatureWriter and features written by those are not generally counted as “# features written” in the final statistics. So it may actually have worked.


I do see a number of errors regarding to geometry types, ESRI formats are finicky about that so you may want to check that.

Thank you for pointing this out, we discovered that it was in-fact outputting features, and reporting that none were output. We also encountered an unusual error where despite being told to overwrite files, it would not. The fix was fairly easy and just required emptying the target folder before running the workbench.

We are still having issues with the writer not being able to dynamically create an output however and I will attach two log files with my attempts at that if anyone can read/comprehend them.



We separated the 2D section, working with 12dxml files that is giving us issues and still getting the same error. Saying that features have been written, but not being able to open anything in QGIS.

For some reason I can’t open the log files you’ve attached. Without the workspace they’ll be hard to parse through anyway, unless there’s like a really obvious error message in them.

There isn’t an obvious error, and to be honest we did not build this workbench, it was built by a person who has since left the company and failed to create any documentation. As we are trying to consolidate a 3D workbench using .IFC files and a 2D workbench using .12dxml files. But due to the aforementioned lack of documentation, we aren’t even sure what the workbenches themselves actually do.

There isn’t an obvious error, and to be honest we did not build this workbench, it was built by a person who has since left the company and failed to create any documentation. As we are trying to consolidate a 3D workbench using .IFC files and a 2D workbench using .12dxml files. But due to the aforementioned lack of documentation, we aren’t even sure what the workbenches themselves actually do.

Oh boy, that is an unfortunate situation.

Here’s what I think you can do:

  1. Share the workspace here. Without that I seriously doubt you’re going to get an answer to your questions and even if you do share it there’s no guarantee but at least you’re giving the community a good chance at trying to help you.
  2. Figure out what the workspace does. Either go through it yourself or hire an external consultant to do it for you. Keep in mind that based on the size and complexity of the workspace this may take several hours / days. Make sure you document it!!!
  3. If you haven’t done so already: implement company-wide best practices for workspace documentation and design to avoid getting in this situation again. 
