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How do I transform donut polygons with a variable amount of holes from ESRI database to GML?

So far I have only succeeded in transforming one hole per polygon. Below is the code inside my XMLTemplater transformer.



<gml:Polygon gml:id="id{fme:get-attribute("OBJECTID")}">

























Kind regards

Kristina Danielsson

Use the GeometryExtractor to create an attribute for the GML definition and insert that in the XMLTemplater.

Thanks for the tip erik_jan, it works perfectly in the FME-inspector.


However when I read the GML-file with QGIS my polygons turn out all twisted and mirrored?




Thanks for the tip erik_jan, it works perfectly in the FME-inspector.


However when I read the GML-file with QGIS my polygons turn out all twisted and mirrored?




Not sure. I do not use QGis.


Could it be the version of GML.


The GeometryExtractor has a number of GML versions you can choose.


You might want to try the different options.



Thanks for the tip erik_jan, it works perfectly in the FME-inspector.


However when I read the GML-file with QGIS my polygons turn out all twisted and mirrored?




Thankyou again,


I examined the different versions of GML which led me to realize that I had two swap X,Y with the CoordinateSwapper before extracting the geometry.





