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transfer AutoCAD mtext-rotation to SQLite

  • 6 December 2012
  • 1 reply

Hello community!



I tried several times to get mtexts of a dwg into sqlite without success.


the mtext-entities are represented as points in sqlite,


transferring text-string and text-rotation as attributes of these points.


text-string as well as other stuff (height etc.) can be exported without any problems,


but with rotations i never had any success.


i tried "autocad_text_rotation" as well as "autocad_rotation" as well as


"fme_rotation" but always gives a "0" as result in sqlite.


datatype of rotations in dwg is always "number, 31,15".


I tried using "decimal, 31,15" for the sqlite, but it says in the log,


fme can only create "decimal, 29,15" datatype in sqlite.



What's the problem?


Why can't i use the dwg-mtext-rotation?


thx for any help,


best regards from switzerland.
Suggest you write all of your 'possible' text rotation values out to an FFS file to begin with to check to see if they actually contain a value other than 0. FFS is FMEs own internal format so it won't destroy datatypes or attribute values as some formats do. Once you have confirmed which attribute you actually need to use, thats usually half the battle.



As none of the SQLite writers support Text geometry you'll need to either use a TextStroker to create a line or polygon geometry (that looks like the text string) that you can rotate about an anchor point... or store the data as a point or null geom and the rotation value as an attribute that you can use in your client.
