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There a way to debug the execution of the script in FME?

  • 3 April 2024
  • 5 replies

In a process in my company we use a Python script (PythonCaller) to call a download API, we need to modify it, but we get some errors that I don't get when running the script from Python on the Windows command line.

Is there a way to debug the execution of the script in FME?

I dont think there is an actual Python debugger available in FME. I usually use log messages at key points in my scripts to debug. You can log strings using logMessageString()


I`ll try 

Thanks a lot

If possible, I try to avoid using Python and use baked-in FME functionality as much as possible
I don't know if it's an option here, but maybe you could consider an HTTPCaller to perform your downloadAPI calls?

I`ll try using HTTPCaller to perform my download API calls?

With some fiddeling it is possible. After working on a project which grew very fast in complexity FMEs transformers could not handle it and the python code grew to much so i spent some time banging my head against the wall.


After some time i found this post about developing FME packages that mentioned debugpy, but the same principle applies to running pythoncallers.


  • Install debugpy package into an existing python installation (Esri ArcGIS Python 3.9 for me, and i used PIP). This MAY cause instability with your existing python installation. We use an existing python installation because FME refused to accept a custom one, plus we make sure its compatible with FME Server.
  •  In the same folder as your FME-file, create a python file (.py). In that python module, paste the default python-code 


  • Create another python module, and add the following code

  • # Debug -> Attach to process -> tcp://

    def start_debugging():
        import fme
        if fme.macroValues.get('FME_SERVER_HOST') == '':
            print('Running locally')
            import psutil
            targets = 'devenv.exe', 'code.exe'] # Visual Studio and VSCode
            processes = sorted( for proc in psutil.process_iter(c'name'])])
            if any(target in processes for target in targets):
                print('Visual Studio or VSCode running, enabling debugging')
                import debugpy

                socket = ("", 5678)
                print('Starting debugging session...')
                print('Setting path')
                debugpy.configure(python=r'C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\python.exe')
                print('Trying to listen')
                print(f'Listening ... waiting for debugger to connect to socket {socket}. \nIn Visual Studio -> Debugging -> Attach to process, connect to tcp://')
                print('Client connected')
                # debugpy.breakpoint()  # Optional: Set a breakpoint right after
                print('Visual studio or VSCode not running, no debugging enabled')

            print('Running on server, no debugging')
    # Use this method to find the python path to use in the debugpy.configure line
    def print_python_paths():
        import sys
        print(f'System version  {sys.version_info}')

        for path in sys.path:
            print(f'System path  {path}')


  • Create a PythonCaller add the following code”. Make sure that the “Class to Process Features has the same name as the class you are importing.
  • In Visual Studio (VS Code works as well) create a new Python project. Under Python Environments add the arcgispro-py3 one and set it to active. It will now fild all installed packages.

  • To not get errors from fme and fmeobjects, copy the .py and .pyd files from the python installation you are using into the same folder that your fme-file and python modules are



    • fmeobjects.cp39-win_amd64.pyd

  • When you start your script you should see this text 
  • So go ahead and connect your debugger and enjoy breakpoints, code completion, copilot, linting and everything else that comes with a good IDE 🔥



