I wanted to sum up the values of all rows of a field in an attribute table but couldn’t figure out how to do this in FME.
In ArcGIS, this can be done using the command “Summary Statistics”
Thank you
I wanted to sum up the values of all rows of a field in an attribute table but couldn’t figure out how to do this in FME.
In ArcGIS, this can be done using the command “Summary Statistics”
Thank you
I think the Aggregator (using "Attributes to Sum" parameter) is convenient to calculate sum of attribute(s).
If you need to calculate some other fundamental statistics values simultaneously - e.g. min, max, median, mode, average, standard deviation etc., consider using the StatisticsCalculator.
I guess that you intend to merge "BoundaryArea" to each building by the transformer. But, if so, you can control the merging operation using the "Merge Attributes" parameters group of the Clipper.
Here I wanted the output of the summery to appear in form of table (the same way as in ArcGIS), is this possible in FME?