I have:-
(1) 1x index Shapefile containing tiles representing geoTiff images with attribute LOCATION = "myTile1.tif", LOCATION = "myTile2.tif" etc.
(2) 1x of the mentioned geoTiff image files
In my workflow, I have a simple "FilenamePartExtractor" to get the geoTiff filename e.g. _filename_part = "myTile2.tif" (2) + the Index Shapefile (1) both feeding into a "Tester".
In the Tester I have Left Value = "LOCATION", Operator = "=", Right Value = "_filename_part"
When I run it, nothing passes the Tester. If I subs for the actual value i.e. Right Value = "myTile2.tif" the correct feature is matched and passed on.
Eventually, I want to use this workspace in a batch process to recursing through all the geoTiff files in a folder so I don't want "hard-code" the value as described. Is there anything I am doing wrong/mis-understanding by testing for RightValue = "_filepart_name"??
Any help or advice much apreciated,