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I am using an HTTPCaller to return some XML which I then want to turn into attributes. I can extract the Project fragment below using the XMLFragmenter (with Projects/Project in the Elements to Match parameter) but I haven't figured out how to directly extract the children into fragments or directly into attributes. Using Projects/Project/* doesn't work. For instance, I want to extract ProjectNumber and Status more directly into attributes. So far my solution has been to use a StringSearcher and SubstringExtractor to get each attribute. That's a tedious way to do it. Any advice on a better way?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><Project ProjectId="508DKDS6B2KA" ProgramId="YAK0C5V4UNVH" ProjectNumber="EST-00001" Status="Cancelled/Archived" StatusTimestamp="2021-04-01T12:23:55-06:00" LastChangeTimestamp="2021-06-29T14:15:01-06:00" ></Project>


Try something like this:



Try something like this:



Thanks @david_r​ , worked perfectly.
