I'm trying to use SqlExecutor to update a table in my MS/SQL database. The table has a Danish character in it's name (Graveforespørgselssvar), but the database has collation Danish_Norwegian_CI_AI, so that's perfectly acceptable.
But FME fails, because it mangles the name as UTF-8 (Invalid object name 'dbo.Graveforespørgsselssvar').
I then tried to instead add the complete command as an attribute, and use AttributeEncoder to encode this attribute to both "Latin-1 Western European (iso-8859-1)" and "Windows Latin-1 (windows-1252)", both of which do contain all Danish characters, but it still yields the same error.
Why do FME insist on sending SQL commands as UTF-8 even though both the attribute encoding and the database collation dictates otherwise ?
It looks like a severe bug to me.