Could you use a NeighborFinder to count the points that are within a distance of more than one line (e.g. the red arrow points). Then do a Tester to count the matches and ignore all with more than one match.
Use only points with one match in the PointonLineOverlayer as before.
Hoe this helps.
Hi @jon, I would try this procedure.
- Send all lines to a TopologyBuilder, make sure that the Assume Clean Data parameter is set to No. Then the intersections will be output via the [Node] port, and the lines split at the intersections will be output via the [Edge] port.
Add a NeighborFinder to the workspace, send the points to the Base port, send the intersections (nodes coming from the TopologyBuilder [Node]) to the Candidate port, clear the Number of Neighbors to Find parameter, and set the tolerance to the Maximum Distance parameter. Then, the [UnmatchedBase] port will output the Base points except ones close to any Candidate (intersection) within the specified distance.
Add a PointOnLineOverlayer to split the lines coming from the TopologyBuilder [Edge] by the points coming from the NeighborFinder [UnmatchedBase].
Hope this helps.
Hi @jon, I would try this procedure.
- Send all lines to a TopologyBuilder, make sure that the Assume Clean Data parameter is set to No. Then the intersections will be output via the [Node] port, and the lines split at the intersections will be output via the [Edge] port.
Add a NeighborFinder to the workspace, send the points to the Base port, send the intersections (nodes coming from the TopologyBuilder [Node]) to the Candidate port, clear the Number of Neighbors to Find parameter, and set the tolerance to the Maximum Distance parameter. Then, the [UnmatchedBase] port will output the Base points except ones close to any Candidate (intersection) within the specified distance.
Add a PointOnLineOverlayer to split the lines coming from the TopologyBuilder [Edge] by the points coming from the NeighborFinder [UnmatchedBase].
Hope this helps.
Thanks @takashi! I ended up using your approach. One thing to note, on step 2, I had to set the "Close Candidate List Name" to something otherwise there was a warning saying "Number of Neighbors to Find" was forced to use 1. I also set the Group By on my TopologyBuilder since some lines were getting split when they intersected each other (for my purposes I didn't want that to happen).
Thanks for your help! Here's what my work benched ended up looking like: