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I am trying to use SpatialFilter to merge attributes from point attributes into line attributes. They are intersecting each other. I use the 'Merge Attribute' button, but no no merging is conducted.  The points are 'Filters' and the lines are 'Candidate'. What am I doing wrong?



the SpatialFilter requires 100% intersection for this to work. If the point coordinates deviate as much as a fraction of a millimeter from the line, they won't be considered as intersecting (unlike in ArcGIS, where there is a tolerance for those things). You might be better off using the NeighborFinder or the PointOnLineOverlayer, where you can specify a tolerance.



Alternatively, you can use a Snapper or AnchoredSnapper with a small tolerance to really make sure the points are situated exactly on your lines. Make sure to use Segment snapping if your points aren't always on a line vertex.








Alternatively, use bufferer (with just minimal value) and convert points as polygons and perform the task.



