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using the Schema Mapper I would like to add new attributes.



I do have more than one feature in the data set, and would like these to get different new attributes. Say that my feature Lake gets the attribute Depth, and my feature Building gets the attribute Purpose. But Lake dont want to have Purpose as an attribute etc.



I add the attributes in my csv-file. And in the Schema Mapper I use "add new attribute" and choose the columns in which  the name and values are represented. I've only added Purpose on the line where Building is.



Why does my Lake has the attribute Purpose in the end?



Thank you.



have you remembered to add a Filter to your SchemaMapper to restrict which features gets assigned which new attribute?



You also need to restrict your newAttributes to certain fme_feature_types. Similar to the CSV below, and add this as a Filter:



fme_feature_type;newAttribute Building;Purpose Lake;Depth
But if we managed to do this without a filter before?



I wonder how you managed, basically adding a new attribute in combination with a filter is the desired mapping.


Hope this helps



here is a specific example. Given the following csv:



feature_name_attr;feature_name_value;new_attr;new_attr_value "fme_feature_type";"BUILDING";"PURPOSE";"Residential" "fme_feature_type";"LAKE";"DEPTH";200


and the following configuration:




You then get the following result if there is one BUILDING and one LAKE feature entering the SchemaMapper:



++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ `fme_feature_type' has value `LAKE' `DEPTH' has value `200' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ `fme_feature_type' has value `BUILDING' `PURPOSE' has value `Residential' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++



