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rotate a Autocad block so that the attributes rotate about the insertion point of the block

  • December 2, 2021
  • 3 replies


I have a DWG with blocks, when i use autocad_rotation the attributes are NOT rotated.

Is it possible to roate also the attributes?

Have a good day.


3 replies

  • Author
  • December 5, 2021

no answer?


Hi @alfred​, are you reprojecting the data as well? If so you might need to reproject the rotation angle as well. To check this try adding a Tester to test for fme_rotation and autocad_rotation having values. If they do, reproject them with ReprojectAngleCalculator transformers. Also, are you writing to a template .dwg or creating a new one?

  • Supporter
  • March 22, 2023
JennaAtSafe wrote:

Hi @alfred​, are you reprojecting the data as well? If so you might need to reproject the rotation angle as well. To check this try adding a Tester to test for fme_rotation and autocad_rotation having values. If they do, reproject them with ReprojectAngleCalculator transformers. Also, are you writing to a template .dwg or creating a new one?

Hi @jennaatsafe​ 

I was trying out the transformer, but I have really no idea what to fill in for the Original Line Length.

I am converting from (cells) dgn to (blocks) dwg and the blocks are unrotated. I tried autocad_rotation, but that didn't work unfortunately. So I thougt that I wanted to try out ReprojectAngleCalculator . However I have no idea how to go about it. Do you maybe an idea which autocad_attribute I would need to fill in for the orignial line length? I am not sure, but I think the other attributes are filled in correctly.



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