Hi @johannesbloemen, the CoordinateRemover transformer might help you.
- Keep or Remove Coordinates: Remove
- Coordinate Index: 1
- Number to Remove: @NumCoords()-2
Another way:
Use two CoordinateExtractor transformers (index 0 for start and -1 for end points) to store coordinates in attributes.
Then a VertexCreator (using start coordinates from attributes and setting to replace geometry with point) to create the start point.
And a second VertexCreator (using end coordinates from attributes and setting to add a vertex) to create the line from start to end point.
Hi @johannesbloemen, the CoordinateRemover transformer might help you.
- Keep or Remove Coordinates: Remove
- Coordinate Index: 1
- Number to Remove: @NumCoords()-2
Thank you takashi, that did the trick.