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I have a number protected areas that is partly overlappingareas. I want to investigate how many och och much of these areas that are influenced by different corridor alternative, that is partly overlapping.

I am using a Clipper transformer with the corridors as clipper and protected areas as clippee.

Is there a way of solving this without a attribute filter for the corridor?

Overlapping polygon Intersect/clipp Overlappling polygon?
Looping through the corridor FeatureType Thanx in advanced


1 You can indeed use a loop.

2 But you can also use a cloner. First a spatialrelator to detect wich clipper objects are overlapping, the overlap count will give u the required number of clones needed. You then need to clones the clippees, relate the clone number to it and you also have the clipper id's on them. Thenyou can clip using these id's as a GoupBy value

3 You can also expose the fme_feature_type and use a areaonareaoverlayer. Have it create a list. Query the list. (area overlapped by different corridors will have the id's in the list)

nr. 3 is I think the most tricky one though..

(sample data posted can lead to examples created)

Ok, looping it is.

I have not found many documentation or post/queastion about loop except for this

Do you have any links/example to share?
