I need som help with creating a outer boundary line with some other transformer than the "Hullaccumulator".
The "HullAccumulator" (concave) in combination with "DonutHoleExtractor" works great and do what I wanted it to do but it cannot run Alpha value below about 0.5 because then my computer is chrashing! (out of virtual memory) And it have a fast i7 CPU and 32 GB RAM and a SSD drive but it does not helping me much...
Is there a way to do this in an exact way and not rounding corners like in the "Hullaccumulator" with for example Alpha = 1 (that is meaning 1 meter radie in the corners and that is too much).
I attache 3 Shape files that has totally 9 polygons that I want to be combined to only 1 outerline.
Best regards,