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I tried to reproject data from epsg 31468 (Gauß-Krüger,
DHDN) to epsg 25832 (UTM32, ETRS89) using the CsmapReprojector and the
NTV2-grid method.

I used an own created grid (*.gsb). The path in FME Options is set:

Starting the Workspace I get the following error:

The .gsb file size is 3.5 GB.

Could that be the Problem?

Thank you for your help.



Sorry, the images are missing:

I think that is something our support team would need to help you with. So either contact them ( or your local reseller support team.

The only workaround I found for this particular error was to make sure you are running FME with an administrator account. Something to do with file writing permissions. But this error could be caused by lots of different things, so I'm far from certain it would help in this case. Worth trying as a quick fix though.


