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We face a problem correcting the geometry between multiple polygons in a layer.

There are some gaps between polygons and we need to automatically fill them. We identified 2 ways to fill the gaps between 2 polygons, explained in the following chart.

We tried the first solution using dossolver and Donut Hole extractor, but there are some line left after the process (maybe due to the different positions of the shape vertex on the grid). So we don’t know if our process is the best to succed ? if yes , how to fix this problem ?

Have you tried the AreaGapAndOverlapCleaner?

Yes but this transformer cut overlapped polygons, we need to keep the overlapping

Yes but this transformer cut overlapped polygons, we need to keep the overlapping

I'd still be tempted to use it and then add the overlapping areas back in afterwards, something like this

Thanks, we are testing , we are giving you a feedback quickly

Thantks a lot, the process you describe is working. We are even testing a process with the same philosophy but more simple :
