My linked custom transformer ('ColorAndReproject') is used in many places in my workspaces and I am regularly working on it. This is why it's not embeded.
I have installed it with double-clicking the *.fmx file.
It's stored in a "Shared FME Folder".
The workspace does exactly what is expected if I run it in the workbench or if I run it with a *.bat file.
Sadly it does not work when the scheduler kicks-in during the night and tries to run the script (*.bat). The scheduler is a special Windows user with some admin rights.
I get this error log :
The custom transformer 'ColorAndReproject' referenced by this workspace could not be found. The custom transformer must be installed before the workspace can be runProgram Terminating
There are other workspaces run this way with no problems. But none have a linked custom transformer.
Any Ideas ?
Thanks for your help !
edit : it seems the real problem is that each user executing a script with linked custom transformer should have FME configured to have the "Shared FME Folder" property set accordingly. Any workaround (other than to embed the transformer) ?