
LineCloser: Default setting Connect Z Mode

Userlevel 6
Badge +33

After using the LineCloser to close 3D lines I discovered that some vertices in my dataset were changed. My assumption was that the LineCloser only adds a segment between the last vertice and the first vertice of the polyline but the Z from the last vertice was changed to the Z of the first vertice... Changing the parameter Connect Z Mode from "First Wins" to "Ignore" solved my problem. But I wondered if the setting "First Wins" was set as Default intentionally, and if so, why?

The image:


1. The open line.


2. The closed line with the setting First Wins. The Z value of the last vertice is changed to the Z of the first vertice.


3. The closed line with the setting Ignore. Now only a segment between the last and the first vertice was added, no vertices changed.

FME Desktop 2017.1.2 and 2018.0.0.2.

Workspace attached.

3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +17
It seems that the parameter doesn't work at all, in FME 2018.0.0.3. In my observation, the LineCloser always ignores Z. @DanAtSafe, could you please check this?


Userlevel 4
Badge +13
Hi @takashi The z-value should only change if the x,y coordinates are the same for the first and last vertices. We'll fix this in FME 2019
Userlevel 4
Badge +13

@nielsgerrits This problem has been fixed in the latest FME 2019 betas. (not yet available) The Connect Z mode parameter now only applies to nodes with the same x,y coordinates so you shouldn't have to choose 'Ignore' to work around the problem.
