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Hi all, I know this might be a very simple question but I am pretty biggener. 



I have a FME file with DWG input and output the objective is to cleanup the DWG archive. 


I have lots of overlayer/overlap line on line. I want to get rid of the short one and just keep the long one. Is there a way for this?



I thought to split the lines with he intersection point but at the end I will have some join lines with lots of vertexces. However, I want to have one line with one start and one end point. 



I appreciate your help, 
PS. Just want to make my question clear with the attached image. 



How can I 


1. get rid of line C? (Lineonline overlay)


2. replace A, B and C with one line like D? 



Thanks for your help! 






You can use the LineOnLineOvelayer and the LineJoiner to transform the overlapped lines into a single line.


And then, try using the Generalizer to remove vertices other than start and end nodes.


Algorithm: Douglas (Generalize)


Generalising Tolerance: 0 (or very small value if there were slight error) 






Thanks Takashi for your reply. I am pretty biggener and a friend helped me to use LineOnLineOverlayer and LineJoiner but I do not have all the line joined at the end and I did not have much success in Generalizer to remove the vertices. 


Is there a way I can send you the FME/DWG file?



Share the file using a storage on the Web such as Google Drive, and paste the URL here.
Okay, Here is the link to the FME file and one of the DWG sample file.



Please let me know if I have any mistake with my FME file. 


And I have a problem too: Some of my Ellipses and Spline after GeometryFilter are in Line group some in Ellipses and some other in unfiltered and I ended up with missing some part of Spline and Ellipses. 



Thanks for your help, 



The other thing 🙂 is when I am using LineJoiner I have all the joined line as 3Dpolyline in Cad. But I rather to have all line.


There were lines overlapping in a slight tolerance. I think that it would be effective to use the Snapper (Snapping Type = Segment Snapping) before overlaying.


See this example. (



Since I don't have the license for MRF* transformers, cannot run your workspace unfortunately.
Revised. (
Thanks takashi! That helps a lot and now I am able to use the Generalize! 


I really appreciate your help! 
Hi again, 



I used your file to get ride of duplication and then to generalize the lines which worked perfectly. 


But, I still have the problem with the partially missing the ellipses!! This is so weird since I used GeometryFilter to connected every geometries other than lines to the writer!! So basically I am not touching ellipses at all! 



I removed the MRF transformer from my file and share it again then you can open the file. 


I appreciate your guidance,



One more thing! 


My output files are in World UCS, in writer the autocad version is Release 2013 and I define my source file as template cause I need to use the same layer prperties. 


So, my question is why the UCS is not local and the same as my input file in output files. I have to go through all of my output files one by one and define the local UCS, my files are over 700! 


Also, I got this error when I am opening my output, while my cad version is 2015 and the Writer cad version is 2013! 





I appreciate your guidance, 
The number of ellipses in your "Output.dwg" seems to be equal to the number in "Input.dwg". Really missing?









Sorry for the delay in my response I did not receive any email to know you have responded. 


If you look to the output file/the image I attahced few messag above you will see some of the ellipses are partially missing. So, they will count on the number of the object but some part of them is missing! 


