
Line Direction

  • 8 March 2013
  • 5 replies

We have a need to determine the direction in which a line is drawn.  This is importand because some of our line features are custom line styles that when drawn on a map signify certain attributes.  As an example the symbols for Cliffs, Rocks and Depression Contours indicate the low side (elevation) of the terrain.



Each of these features have certain rules pertaining to how they are to be drawn (west to east, clockwise etc).



Is there a transformer or FME attribute that can help us determine if the feature is drawn correctly? 







5 replies

Userlevel 4
Hi Russell,



have a look at the OrientationExtractor and the Orientor transformer.



Userlevel 4
Badge +13


Optionally the PolylineAnalyzer can also be of use for this case.
Itay and David,



Thanks for the help.  One question for Itay, I don't have the PolylineAnalyzer in my transformer library.  I'm running FME 2012 SP2 build 12238 win64. 
Userlevel 4
Badge +13
Hi Russel,



The PolylineAnalyzer is a FME store transformer, start by typing the name on the canvas to download it.


The combination of angle and azimuth might provide you with the information tou need.


Hope this helps
Badge +3
U can use azimuthcalculator and then test wich quadrant the angle lies in


Basic goniometry
