Is there any way I can use the http caller without an input (Can I start a process with that transformer)?
My use case is that I'm trying to create Cityworks Inspections from File geodatabase records and update those inspections with records from the same File geodatabase. In order to do this I need to fetch all the Questions and Answers from the Inspection template to get a list of all the question ID's and Answer ID's. From there I need to somehow map the FGDB records to those Answer values based on the ID's.
This would be simpler if I could just call the Cityworks API through the http caller to fetch all of the information as JSON without needing to feed in my GDB s an input. Essentially I want a list of all possible questions and answers for an inspection template to be used later on without having to first feed something into the http caller.
Hope this makes sense. Thanks!😀