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Is there a transformer in FME that can build
sector polygons based on coordinates provided.



e.g. Source data has 10,000 point geometries. Output needs to be list of
polygons with no more than 500 points within the polygon.

Hi @shankarvishwana,

Please try the following steps:

1. Use a PointCloudCombiner to create a pointcloud from the points.

2. Use the PointCloudDensityTiler transformer to break separate point clouds with a maximum number of points of 500. If this transformer is not available in Workbench, it can be downloaded from FME Hub.

3. Use a CenterPointReplacer to replace each point cloud with its center point.

4. Use the VoronoiDiagrammer on the center points to create the sector polygons.

Thank you very much. Followed your steps and the result was awesome!!

