I am trying to create a workbench which will read in the data from a table in an ArcGIS Online feature service, where the feature service is determined by input User Parameters at each run of the workbench. The output will be an excel export of the data from the ArcGIS Online feature service table.
I have hundreds of different feature services, identifiable by a unique alphanumerical code and feature service ID. The aim is for the user to input the alphanumerical code for the data they want to export when running the workbench (e.g DA019). This code will act as a look up to a table that contains the feature service ID for the required data.
I have then attempted to reconstruct the syntax of the AGOL connection as seen in an ArcGIS Online Feature Service Reader.
E.g AGOL Group Name]//Feature Service Name]((feature service ID])
I then have passed that as a field called fsid_search into a Feature Reader under the 'Feature Service:' constraint. I've included a screenshot of my current settings in the Feature Reader.
When I set the fsid_search field as the Feature Service constraint, fme_feature_type_name information is returned from the Feature Reader but no data is returned, despite having the Features to Read: being set to Schema and Data Features. I can successfully return data from the Feature Reader when I connect to a specific AGOL feature service. However, I do need to be able to connect to different feature services depending on the user inputs.
Have I made an error in the AGOL connection reconstruction/is it not possible to use a field name as the input parameters on the Feature Reader for AGOL data?
Any help/suggestions would be hugely appreciated. Thank you in advance!