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Here's some screen shots of the very simple shp to dwg workspace and the workspace runner parameters


I'm no DWG expert, but in your example I think you're going to be writing all SHP to the same DWG just with different layer names.

 Screenshot 2020-09-23 084600

A better approach would be to enable fanout on your writer (right click on the writer under the navigator and select Edit Parameters)



To do your conversion - if that's all u are doing, you do not necessarily need a workspace runner.

Anyway, you could try:



FilenamePartExtractor Transformer

This will give you useful attributes of all your input files especially eg _rootname. These will be your source shapefile names. You can then use these attributes to build the output filenames of your DWGs


User Parameter

create a user parameter for output folder eg OUTPUT_FOLDER


Output - Writer

Output location and filename can then be defined by output folder (user param) and input shapefile name

(_rootname) to create multiple CAD files eg



Currently, yes it appears as if u are fanning out - so as to produce CAD layer names from your input shapefile names - all in a single CAD file



hope this helps, gives u some ideas

Howard L'







Thank you both. There was information from both replies that helped me solve this. As Howard indicated, I did not need a workspace runner to accomplish it, but based on hkingsbury's recommendation, I did use the fanout. I was still passing fme_basename just like in my first screen shot so I was able to use that in the dwg writer. The two screen shots below show the configuration I used.
