See attached screenshot. I have a shapefile with Photo_Name attribute (175 features), I apply a tester on the shapefile to filter the features I need (109 features). How can I then select only the 109 required images from the 175 source images - the fme_basename of my images = the Photo_Name.
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You can use a FeatureJoiner, send the images to the left port and output from your tester to to the right port and then use Photo_Name as the join on attributes and a join mode of Inner, the images you want to keep will exit the Joined port
You can use a FeatureJoiner, send the images to the left port and output from your tester to to the right port and then use Photo_Name as the join on attributes and a join mode of Inner, the images you want to keep will exit the Joined port
Brilliant! Thank you, worked perfectly.