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I will try to upload shapefile to geoserver over the rest api.

This should be possible with the HTTPCaller! I am using the following option: - http methode: PUT

Upload from data


imageBut I get the error:


I have access to the given url. So what is the problem here?

Does someone has experience in uploading shapes to geoserver with fme?

I have no experience using GeoServer's API. As this is a specific GeoServer, not FME question, I think you probably have more reponse if you ask this on


That being said, my best practice to learn how to work with the syntax of a new API is to use PostMan. When it works, replicate the webrequest(s) in HTTPCallers in FME.

thanks for your hint!

I found out that the url was not correct. I need to add .../file.shp that Geoserver (rest) knows nex external data will come. Furthermore I need all files of the shape. So I have to zip all files and to define "application/zip" as content-type.


Now it work. New data will be published on the server and the layer is created automatically in geoserver.
