We have polygons that represents sections. We want to use FME to split all these polygons to subsections. i.e. quadrants. Any good ideas?
Is there a reference point? Could you please share data?
Tiler. 2017+ Tiler has "Group By". You will need to make a custom transformer to do Tiler with a "Group By" if using FME 2016 or older. For your case, use Tiler with 2 Horizontal, 2 Vertical Tiles. As Takashi notes, there are some humanistic issues to manage with these splits. For example, you will need to know the projection that the sections were designed in and will probably need to reproject them to this prior to tiling.
Hi @XiaomengAtSafe,
As dicussed last week, I would duplicate the grid twice and move one copy East/West by half he size length and move the second one North/South by the same distance. I would then intersect all the lines, rebuild the polygon and clip it all with the outer boundary of the original grid. I guess the original grid is already projected. I believe the error would be negligible.
Please check this video: