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How to save the map text labels to a shapefile or some other format?


I have a shapefile with parcels. With the transformator "MapTextLabeller" I am able to add the correct numbers to every parcel, and orient them correctly with the rule.

How can I save the text labels in a shapefile or another data source in a way that preserves the labels created by the "MapTextLabeller" transformer, as seen in the FME Data Inspector? While the final result is visible in the data inspector, writing the labels again in a shapefile does not produce the same text labels. What steps can be taken to properly save the text labels, and ensure that they are encoded and stored correctly in a field of the output file?



Not in a shapefile, as it doesn't support text features, so all you can get is points with an attribute. MapInfo is another option though.


I guess this question is better approached from the other side: in which GIS or CAD software would you like to use the labels?

  • February 17, 2023

MapInfo is also ok. But I don't have text features like rotation and the name when I visualize the .TAB file.

I attached the attributes which are shown in FME Data Inspector, but I can't get it to MapInfo.Capture

vdrnb wrote:

MapInfo is also ok. But I don't have text features like rotation and the name when I visualize the .TAB file.

I attached the attributes which are shown in FME Data Inspector, but I can't get it to MapInfo.Capture

If you inspect the text in Visual Preview, is it rotated?


What you are seeing are internal geometry attributes that FME generally doesn't export as user attributes. However, if you are writing to a format that actually supports them, FME will apply them.

  • February 17, 2023

It is rotated. I did it with the MapTextLabeller, and also set the Target Format in MapTextLabeller as MapInfo.

imageWhen i write it into a .TAB file, and visualize them, it doesn't shows either the text nor the rotation of the text


vdrnb wrote:

It is rotated. I did it with the MapTextLabeller, and also set the Target Format in MapTextLabeller as MapInfo.

imageWhen i write it into a .TAB file, and visualize them, it doesn't shows either the text nor the rotation of the text


Can you try Mid/Mif instead of TAB? I'm not too familiar with the details of the various MapInfo formats, but I seem to recall having used that for rotated text before.


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