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Is it possible to do a substring(0,10) with the BulkAttributeRenamer? I want to simulate truncating the columns as writing to shape does. I know I can do this with a SchemaMapper, this is my current workaround.

Hi @nielsgerrits, yes it's possible. Try this.

Text To Find: ^(.{10}).*
String: \1


You can use the regex replacement method. For example, this will truncate all attribute names to the first 10 characters:

Hi @nielsgerrits, yes it's possible. Try this.

Text To Find: ^(.{10}).*
String: \1


You beat me to it! :-)

Hi @nielsgerrits, yes it's possible. Try this.

Text To Find: ^(.{10}).*
String: \1


Thanks! I knew it should be doable but gave up after a few tries.


You can use the regex replacement method. For example, this will truncate all attribute names to the first 10 characters:

Thanks for the effort!

