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Can anyone give me a "How to" or an example workbench on geocodeing within FME. For example I have an excell spreadsheet, lets assume all the address are good and are in a single field and have information like state and zipcode. I want to add that spreadsheet as a reader, geocode the address and write out a shapfile. How do I do it?  I don't really care which geocodeing service we use. I saw this covered briefly on the world tour and am curious. Many thanks.



to get you started, here is a step-by-step example using the Yahoo geocoder and her is an article on how to use the Gisgraphy webservices (Geonames and OSM).



There is also a dedicated transformer to access a commercial geocoding service called Proxix.



There's a number of transformers that offer a variety of options, just search for DMTI in the transformers list, more info here:



Also, if you go the old fashioned route and don't bother with a service, in the UK we have a lot of suppliers who sell Address data at a variety of scales. In this position a Transformer like the FeatureMerger or Joiner will allow you to read your data in as the candidate features and join them onto the base geometry that is the address.