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I am trying to extract the KML tags for the KML below (structure) using the XQueryxtractor transformer

declare default element namespace "";

for $x in /html/body/table/tr/td

return fme:set-attribute($x/td[1]/text(),$x/td[2]/text())

the result is coming out empty. Any suggestions ?

kml_description (encoded: UTF-16LE): <html xmlns:fo="">


<table border="0" width="370" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<tr bgcolor="ffffff">

<th width="370" align="left"></th>

<th width="370" align="left"></th>



<td bgcolor="#ffffff">Manhole ID</td>




<td bgcolor="#ffffff">Life Cycle</td>




<td bgcolor="#ffffff">Manhole Size</td>




<td bgcolor="#ffffff">Installation Date</td>




<td bgcolor="#ffffff">Drawing Number</td>




<td bgcolor="#ffffff">Grid</td>





Looks like html to me so why not use the HTMLExtractor or simply read it as XML and use the XML reader to extract the data?

  • Firstly make sure that the default namespace declaration in your expression is correct. I don't know if it's correct, since the XML fragment you have posted is incomplete (cannot see the root html tag and default namespace declaration),
  • In your expression, the variable $x indicates "td" elements specified by the XPath "/html/body/table/tr/td", and you intend to retrieve values of its child elements called "td". Naturally the expression returns the empty, since the "td" element doesn't have a child called "td". I think $x should be "tr" element here.

  • Firstly make sure that the default namespace declaration in your expression is correct. I don't know if it's correct, since the XML fragment you have posted is incomplete (cannot see the root html tag and default namespace declaration), 
  • In your expression, the variable $x indicates "td" elements specified by the XPath "/html/body/table/tr/td", and you intend to retrieve values of its child elements called "td". Naturally the expression returns the empty, since the "td" element doesn't have a child called "td". I think $x should be "tr" element here.

I noticed that this <br> element in your HTML fragment is not closed.


That is, the HTML fragment is not a valid XML, so the XMLXQueryExtractor cannot parse it. You will have to modify it to a valid XML, or consider adopting other approach. e.g. HTMLExtractor.
  • Firstly make sure that the default namespace declaration in your expression is correct. I don't know if it's correct, since the XML fragment you have posted is incomplete (cannot see the root html tag and default namespace declaration),
  • In your expression, the variable $x indicates "td" elements specified by the XPath "/html/body/table/tr/td", and you intend to retrieve values of its child elements called "td". Naturally the expression returns the empty, since the "td" element doesn't have a child called "td". I think $x should be "tr" element here.

This is the updated version of the xQuery and is coming empty also.



this data is comming from an attribute call kml_description (encoded: UTF-16LE)



declare default element namespace "";


for $x in /html/body/table/tr/td/table/tr


return fme:set-attribute($x/td(1]/text(),$x/td,2]/text())





  • Firstly make sure that the default namespace declaration in your expression is correct. I don't know if it's correct, since the XML fragment you have posted is incomplete (cannot see the root html tag and default namespace declaration), 
  • In your expression, the variable $x indicates "td" elements specified by the XPath "/html/body/table/tr/td", and you intend to retrieve values of its child elements called "td". Naturally the expression returns the empty, since the "td" element doesn't have a child called "td". I think $x should be "tr" element here.

The HTML fragment you have posted is incomplete (the starting html tag is missing). Also, as I mentioned in the previous comment, the <br> element is not closed.


The XMLXQueryExtractor cannot parse it anyway.


If you modified the HTML fragment to a valid XML fragment and if the default namespace was correct, this expression could work as expected.


declare default element namespace "";
for $x in /html/body/table/tr
where 1 lt fn:count($x/td)
return fme:set-attribute($x/tdr1]/text(),$x/td:2]/text())


  • Firstly make sure that the default namespace declaration in your expression is correct. I don't know if it's correct, since the XML fragment you have posted is incomplete (cannot see the root html tag and default namespace declaration),
  • In your expression, the variable $x indicates "td" elements specified by the XPath "/html/body/table/tr/td", and you intend to retrieve values of its child elements called "td". Naturally the expression returns the empty, since the "td" element doesn't have a child called "td". I think $x should be "tr" element here.

The HTMLExtractor is working, but i am going to try your suggestion.



Thank you



  • Firstly make sure that the default namespace declaration in your expression is correct. I don't know if it's correct, since the XML fragment you have posted is incomplete (cannot see the root html tag and default namespace declaration),
  • In your expression, the variable $x indicates "td" elements specified by the XPath "/html/body/table/tr/td", and you intend to retrieve values of its child elements called "td". Naturally the expression returns the empty, since the "td" element doesn't have a child called "td". I think $x should be "tr" element here.

Is not working. The _result field is empty.



  • Firstly make sure that the default namespace declaration in your expression is correct. I don't know if it's correct, since the XML fragment you have posted is incomplete (cannot see the root html tag and default namespace declaration),
  • In your expression, the variable $x indicates "td" elements specified by the XPath "/html/body/table/tr/td", and you intend to retrieve values of its child elements called "td". Naturally the expression returns the empty, since the "td" element doesn't have a child called "td". I think $x should be "tr" element here.

It's fine. The expression sets new attributes internally, doesn't return any value.


Connect a Logger and/or Inspector, and see the result on the Translation Log or the Feature Information window in FME Data Inspector. If the expression works fine, you can see new attributes - "Manhole ID", "Life Cycle", and so on.
