I have workbenchs published to FME server that lets an end user upload a file (KML, SHP, DWG, TAB) that will convert to (KML, SHP, DWG, TAB) plus re-project if the output coordinate is set.
If the input file has a coordinate system everything works fine, but if a uploaded file is missing a coordinate system the workbench fails and the end user doesn't know why as they can't see the error logs.
This is where I had the idea to give them a txt file saying, add an Input coordinate system. I don't want to make the input coordinate system required as the end user might not know or might enter it incorrectly (I'm trying to make it idiot proof as much as possible 😀 ).
Now comes my issue. How do I test for all three conditions;
Has coordinates = Converts data
Has no coordinates = Txt File
Has coordinates and no coordinates = Converts data and doesn't send txt file.
So far I can only do the first two. There is possibly a better way than what I have come up with. Any suggestions?