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Hello , 


any idea , how could I get benefit of using transformer chat gpt to improve my workbench for GIS data ?

 Why are using chat gpt transformer ?

Fme 2021

thanks in advance.

Hi @gogopotter90 


There is a interesting Webinar about it:


Unleashing the Power of OpenAI GPT-3 in FME Data Integration Workflows (


Thanks in Advance,



thanks for that ,I have watched it .

i have still one question how could I use open AI for geo coding ,to find the missing adresses ?

I just tried asking ChatGPT for the coordinates of an address and got this response

Geocoders are pretty smart, especially established ones like Esri, Google, Here (to name a few). I’m sure it won’t be long (if they haven't already) until they start implementing LLM/AI based features into them.

When you say ‘missing addressees’ i’m assuming you mean addresses that the geocoder couldn’t find? You could try passing them to something like ChatGPT and asking it to check that it was structured correctly. But I doubt it would be able to correct an incorrectly typed street name, suburb etc.

