Hi @arashjazini You can use a SpatialRelator with the "Requestor OGC-Touches Supplier" Spatial Predicate. Be sure to enable Merge Attributes and use the default "Merge Supplier" Accumulation Mode.
Hi Dan, Thank you for you answer!
The transformer output missing some values , any ideas?
Hi @arashjazini Every value for _related_candidates is 0, which means that none of the Requestors pass the spatial predicate. Either change that or else you'll need to change the geometry with a LineExtender, Snapper or AnchoredSnapper.
Hi @arashjazini Every value for _related_candidates is 0, which means that none of the Requestors pass the spatial predicate. Either change that or else you'll need to change the geometry with a LineExtender, Snapper or AnchoredSnapper.
Thanks for the help Dan!