similar post which describes better but there is no actual answer where /how to choose where data is saved on server. I dont mean the zip that works already I mean control where the files that user uploads will be saved.
Is it possible to control where the Server App download service will download files? (
Using FME Data Streaming, the user selects one or multiple files to upload, processes those files and it works so the resulting report is downloaded through a zip.
My problem is now what if there are multiple runs at the same time? I managed to use the
FME_JOB_ID to create subfolders with my logs.
for example
in my fme_server_data_reposatory
however all files are always uploaded in some weird temporary guid folder.
If I use "upload" files in my app, how can I choose where those "temporary files" should be saved?
I then want my job submitter to use those folders to look for the data. This is to separate so the result logs for different runs doesnt read the same files. I havent figured out a way to get the directory for my temp file names which it by default saves in.
Current location for uploaded foalders
"C:\\ProgramData\\Safe Software\\FME Server\\resources\\system\\temp\\upload\\"ProjectName"\\"WorkspaceName"\\02572eb1-531a-b5b6-9054-2a9f50b1322b\\
I have no idea what that long id names generates from, or if I can forme the users uplaoded data to be stored somewhere else, and use that parameter. I looked a lot into the fme_server_parameters but didnt find a way to change where files should be saved trought data /download in app or data streaming service.